

亞洲東方快車(Eastern and Oriental Express,簡稱 E&O)有 22 節車廂,當中 14 節是客貨車廂,區分為 68 個客房包廂,含標準客房、豪華客房及總統套房,最後一節為景觀車廂。所有設備及服務比照五星級飯店,每個車廂均有一位專屬管家 24 小時隨車服務,因此專屬管家加上列車上其他隨車服務人員幾乎佔了一半的可搭載乘客數。一踏進車廂內,就被濃厚的歐式古典氛圍所感染,車廂內美輪美奐,一抹金碧輝煌的貴族氣息油然而生。


探索利物浦 的多面貌,包括足球、音樂、文化和美食。了解Beatles樂隊的歷史,參觀安菲爾德球場,探訪博物館和美食場所。


首先,當然是不能錯過的Beatles樂隊故事展覽館(The Beatles Story)。位於風景如畫的亞伯特碼頭,這裡不僅僅是展覽,更像是一次穿越時空的旅行。走進展覽,仿佛可以聽到《Let It Be》在耳邊輕輕響起,每一個展品都彷彿在訴說著樂隊的黃金歲月。即使你不是硬核粉絲,相信我,這裡的故事足以讓你感動。


塞班島 是位於太平洋的馬里亞納群島的一部分,從香港飛往這裡大約需要五個小時。它的鄰島是關島,兩地都有典型的熱帶風光,如椰林樹影、水清沙幼。塞班島的歷史非常複雜,曾多次被殖民,現在則由美國統治。儘管是美國的屬地,但出入境規則與美國本土不同,持有特區護照的香港居民前往塞班島不需要簽證,只需填寫表格即可(可提前在網上辦理)。


斯里蘭卡旅遊 ,這個位於印度洋的島國,因其豐富的文化遺產、壯麗的自然景觀和熱情的人民而聞名於世。南部地區,特別是,以其金色沙灘、歷史悠久的城鎮和豐富的生態系統吸引著全球旅客。本文將帶您深入探索南部斯里蘭卡的幾個不可錯過的景點,從加勒的古城牆到亞拉國家公園的野生動物,每一處都充滿了發現的樂趣。




我提到我計劃前往 蒙古國旅行 時,我的朋友們都誤以為我是指內蒙古。然事實上,儘管內蒙古和蒙古國僅隔著一片戈壁沙漠,但在旅遊體驗上可說是完全不同的兩回事。蒙古國是一個獨立的國家,當地人普遍不懂普通話,商店和街道的名稱都是蒙古語。儘管經濟近年來增長迅速,但通脹壓力卻更為明顯,導致物價飆升,如汽油和蔬果等。再加上高失業率,當地人的生活仍然相當貧困。


沙特阿拉伯 是一個充滿驚喜和魅力的國家,不僅有豐富的石油資源,還有多元的文化和自然景觀。從沙漠到海岸,從古老到現代,沙特阿拉伯有許多值得探索的地方。為了吸引更多的遊客,沙特阿拉伯在2019年開始發放旅遊簽證,讓49個國家(包括香港)的旅客可以輕鬆入境。女性也可以自由旅行,不必遵守嚴格的穿著規範。如果您想要體驗沙特阿拉伯的魅力,請參考以下的旅遊建議:

Saint Kitts and Nevis


聖基茨和尼維斯, Saint Kitts and Nevis 可能有很多人不熟悉,甚至沒有聽過!現在介紹這個充滿熱情和美麗的國家,自從國境開放觀光後,對於有興趣的旅客來說,不妨找個機會前往一遊。站在聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦首都巴士底的高地上,位於東加勒比海小安地列斯背風群島,由聖克里斯多福島和尼維斯島組成,夜晚的燦爛夜景非常迷人。由於它的國土形狀像驚嘆號,並且位於諸多小島之間,因此它也被稱為「小安地列斯的珍珠」。聖基茨和尼維斯是一個非常小的國家,但擁有豐富多彩的文化和自然資源。在這裡,你可以欣賞到壯麗的海灘、清澈的海水、多樣化的植物和動物、優美的建築以及熱情友善的當地人民。此外,當地還有許多歷史悠久的遺跡和博物館,讓你可以更深入地了解這個美麗國家的歷史和文化。


你有沒有想過去摩洛哥旅行?這個位於非洲北部的國家,擁有豐富的文化、歷史和自然景觀,讓人目不暇給。我最近剛好有機會參加了一個八天七夜的 摩洛哥之旅 ,跟你分享一下我的經驗和感想吧!


今天我要跟大家分享我最近去 摩洛哥之旅 ,這是一個非常精彩和難忘的經歷,讓我看到了不同的文化和風景,希望你們也能感受到我的興奮和喜悅。我從香港搭飛機到了卡薩布蘭卡,這是摩洛哥的最大城市和經濟中心,也是電影《CASABLANCA》的拍攝地點。我在機場遇到了我的導遊和同行的旅客,大家都很友好和熱情。我們先去了卡薩布蘭卡的市區觀光,看到了摩罕默德五世廣場,皇宮,聖母無原罪教堂,中央市場和哈桑二世清真寺。這些地方都很壯觀和美麗,讓我對摩洛哥的歷史和文化有了初步的認識。尤其是哈桑二世清真寺,它是世界上最大的清真寺之一,建在大西洋邊上,有一個高達210米的尖塔,可以發出祈禱的聲音。清真寺內部裝飾華麗,有精緻的馬賽克,木雕和彩色玻璃。我們在清真寺裡參觀了一會兒,然後就坐車前往拉巴特,這是摩洛哥的首都。到了拉巴特後,我們吃了一頓豐盛的晚餐,然後入住了酒店休息。

Day 2: RABAT - CHEFCHAOUEN (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

In the morning, we explored Rabat and saw some of its historical attractions, such as the Hassan Tower, a minaret that was supposed to be part of a grand mosque but was never completed, and the Mohammed V's Mausoleum, where the former king and his two sons are buried. The mausoleum was very elegant and solemn, with guards standing outside. Then we headed to Chefchaouen, also known as the Blue City, because of its charming blue-washed houses and streets. Chefchaouen was one of my favorite places in Morocco, because it was so peaceful and picturesque. We walked around the medina, the old town, and admired the colorful handicrafts, carpets, pottery and jewelry. We also visited the main square, where there was a lively atmosphere with musicians, performers and vendors. We had lunch and dinner at local restaurants and enjoyed some delicious Moroccan cuisine.

Day 3: CHEFCHAOUEN - FES (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

We left Chefchaouen and drove to Fes, the cultural and spiritual center of Morocco. Fes is famous for its medina, which is the largest and oldest in the world. It's like a maze of narrow alleys, filled with shops, mosques, schools, workshops and houses. We had a guided tour of the medina and saw some of its highlights, such as the Royal Palace (from outside), the Nejjarine fountain, which is decorated with mosaic tiles and carved wood, and the Madrasa Bouinania, which is an Islamic school and mosque that dates back to the 14th century. We also visited a tannery, where leather is processed using natural dyes and traditional methods. The tannery was very smelly but also very fascinating to see. We had lunch at a restaurant inside the medina and dinner at our hotel.

Day 4: FES - IFRANE - MERZOUGA (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

We left Fes early in the morning and drove to Ifrane, a small town in the Middle Atlas mountains that is known as the Switzerland of Morocco because of its alpine-style architecture and climate. We had a short walk around the town and saw some cute chalets, gardens and fountains. Then we continued our journey to Merzouga, a desert town near the border with Algeria. Along the way, we saw some amazing scenery of mountains, valleys, forests and oases. We arrived in Merzouga in the afternoon and had one of the most memorable experiences of my trip: a camel ride in the Sahara desert! We rode our camels for about an hour until we reached our campsite in the middle of the sand dunes. We watched the sunset over the horizon and felt like we were in another world. We had dinner at our campsite and enjoyed some music and dancing around a bonfire. We slept in tents under a starry sky.

摩洛哥之旅 , 摩洛哥旅行 , 摩洛哥旅遊 , 摩洛哥旅遊指南 , Morocco travel guide , 摩洛哥美食 , 摩洛哥住宿 , 摩洛哥交通 , 摩洛哥體驗 , 摩洛哥景點 , Morocco tourism , Morocco travel , 摩洛哥小包團

Day 5: MERZOUGA - TINGHIR - OUARZAZATE (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

We woke up early to catch the sunrise over the desert and then rode our camels back to Merzouga. We had breakfast at our hotel and then drove to Tinghir, a town near the Todra Gorge, which is a spectacular canyon with towering cliffs that reach up to 300 meters high. We walked along the gorge and admired its natural beauty. Then we drove to Ouarzazate, a city that is known as the Hollywood of Morocco because of its film studios that have hosted many famous movies such as Gladiator, The Mummy and Game of Thrones. We stopped at the Kasbah Taourirt, a fortified palace that was once the residence of a powerful local ruler. The kasbah was very impressive, with its mud-brick walls and towers, and its intricate decorations inside. We had dinner and stayed overnight in Ouarzazate.

Day 6: OUARZAZATE - MARRAKECH (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

早上,我們在路上參觀了AIT BENHADDOU,這是一個聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,也是許多電影和電視劇的拍攝地點。我們看到了傳統的泥磚建築,感受了 摩洛哥之旅 的風土人情。然後我們轉車到MARRAKECH,這是一個充滿活力和魅力的城市。我們在MARRAKECH參觀了JEMAA FNA廣場,那裡有各種各樣的表演者和小販,非常熱鬧。我們還看了KOUTOBIA清真寺,這是一座壯觀的建築,有著高聳的尖塔和精美的裝飾。我們還逛了老市場,那裡有很多手工藝品和紀念品,我買了一些摩洛哥的香料和茶葉。我們最後參觀了BAHIA宮殿(入場),這是一座華麗的宮殿,有著精緻的花園和優雅的客廳。我們在MARRAKECH吃了晚飯,住在一家豪華的酒店。

Day 7: MARRAKECH - CASABLANCA (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

We had some free time in the morning to explore Marrakech on our own or do some shopping. Then we drove back to Casablanca, where we had lunch at a restaurant. We had some free time in the afternoon to relax or do some sightseeing. We had dinner at our hotel.

Day 8: CASABLANCA ✈ HOMETOWN (Breakfast)

今天我們結束了這次難忘的 摩洛哥之旅 ,前往機場,搭乘飛機回到香港。我們帶著滿滿的回憶和感動,告別了摩洛哥,這個迷人的國家。

Morocco Private Tour
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烏茲別克旅遊 , 絲綢之路 , 塔什干 , 撒馬爾罕 , 布哈拉 , 烏茲別克美食 , 伊斯蘭建築 , 烏茲別克文化遺產 , 烏茲別克體驗 , 烏茲別克景點 , Uzbekistan travel , Silk Road , Uzbek cuisine , Islamic architecture

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Have you ever traveled to Uzbekistan? If not, you're missing out on a fascinating place. Uzbekistan is a country in Central Asia with many historical and cultural treasures. It is also the only doubly landlocked country in the world. It was once an important stop on the Silk Road, ruled by the Mongol Empire, and was also part of the Soviet Union until it gained independence in 1991.

During my week-long trip last month, I visited the capital city of Tashkent first. Tashkent is a modern and diverse city with many different ethnic and religious groups.

I visited famous landmarks such as Amir Timur Square, Hazrat Imam Mosque, and the museum. Amir Timur Square is a place to honor the father of Uzbekistan, with a very tall bronze statue. Hazrat Imam Mosque is a gorgeous building with colorful mosaics and arches. The museum has many exhibitions that introduce Uzbekistan's history, art, and nature.