
澳門上葡京酒店 , 澳門上葡京住宿 , 澳門上葡京staycation , Grand Lisboa Palace Resort , 上葡京澳門人優惠

以現代風格設計並糅合澳門1960 年代懷舊元素作為設計主軸的澳門上葡京酒店一間新開的葡萄牙式裝修風格的酒店,外觀十分大氣上檔次,內部裝飾也十分精緻,是一家值得推薦的酒店。 酒店內進駐了最澳門最大的八佰伴商場和性價比最高的自助餐廳-“自助山”,還有一個衹供酒店住客入內的景觀花園,隨手一拍都是美美的大片。 這次入住的房間,可以望到澳門機場和輕軌維修站,視野十分開闊。酒店西北角就是永利皇宮,從西門出去往右走,過了馬路再往左走,就可以到達永利皇宮正門口的彩虹纜車上落點和輕軌”路氹西站”,出行還是比較方便的。 總體來說,這次入住的上葡京酒店十分滿意,有機會還會選擇這家酒店。


Grand Lisboa Palace Resort澳門上葡京酒店 , 澳門上葡京住宿 , 澳門上葡京staycation , Grand Lisboa Palace Resort , 上葡京澳門人優惠澳門上葡京酒店 , 澳門上葡京住宿 , 澳門上葡京staycation , Grand Lisboa Palace Resort , 上葡京澳門人優惠澳門上葡京酒店 , 澳門上葡京住宿 , 澳門上葡京staycation , Grand Lisboa Palace Resort , 上葡京澳門人優惠

Name 澳門上葡京酒店 • 住宿禮遇
Price 平日每位$1330 起
1 night stay in a Superior Room
10% hotel service charge is already included
Remarks This product requires 2 confirmations. We will confirm whether the booking is successful before 7pm the next business day (Monday to Saturday).
Payment is required at the time of ordering, and our website currently uses Cityline as the credit card payment platform.
After payment is successfully processed, we will send a payment confirmation letter to your email address.
We will handle the order for you, and a dedicated representative will assist you with your order.
After the reservation is successful, we will contact you.
If the product is out of stock or for other reasons the order cannot be fulfilled,.we will issue a full refund within 24 hours.
➤ Unless otherwise specified, check-in time is 3:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM
➤ 自助午餐於入住翌日用餐