
花蓮包車 , 花蓮景點 , 花蓮自由行 , 清水斷崖 , 蘇澳冷泉 , 南方澳平台 , 台灣包車

Taipei-Hualien train tickets always sold out? Travel at your own pace with a private charter car and driver.


Depart Hotel or chosen location in Taipei
Drop off Taipei City or Hualien City
Duration: 8 hrs
The departure time is between 08:00 and 11:00 at the latest.
The latest ending time is 22:00
5-Seater Car
Capacity: 1 - 4 travelers
Fuel costs
Driver tips
Attraction ticket
Any other expenses not mentioned.
-Once the order is confirmed, there will be no refunds or changes allowed. The order will be confirmed within 3 business days.
-For 5-Seater car: maximum of 4 travelers and 3 medium-sized pieces of luggage.
-Please note that some attractions may be canceled due to unexpected weather conditions. You will be informed on-site by your driver.
-After the reservation is completed, the vehicle will be reserved for the day. It is necessary to contact the supplier before 8:00 PM the day before departure to confirm the itinerary and driver information. If the supplier cannot contact the passenger, the company reserves the right to cancel the reservation.
-If the booked itinerary does not match the actual situation on-site, or is not related to the product mentioned above and has not been notified in advance, the operator has the right to refuse to carry the passenger without refund.
-Please note that the detail of additional fees for the suburb area transfer service will be shown in the voucher; please pay the payments to the drive on-site directly.
-Children aged under 4 are required by Taiwanese law to use a car seat; please inform us of the birth date and weight of your children when booking. The first car seat will be free of charge; from the second one onwards, an additional fee of NT$300 per each seat will be charged
-To maintain vehicle cleanliness and the rights of other passengers, please do not bring pets on board. Thank you for your understanding
-Please be aware that the following behaviors are prohibited in the vehicle: eating, smoking, applying sunscreen, taking off shoes, kicking the driver's seat back, spitting out of the window, littering. If you feel unwell, please inform the driver and ask for a vomit bag. Any damage or dirt caused to the vehicle's interior will be charged for compensation, and payment should be made in cash on-site
-Any additional expenses beyond the established service will be borne by the passenger.
- Customers must hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of return to Hong Kong and have the necessary entry visas. The company will not be responsible for any issues arising from the customer's personal documents.
-Package Code : D2121