Kaohsiung Suburban Private Car Tour

Recommended Route for Kaohsiung Suburban Private Car Tour:
A 路線:高雄市區 - 佛光山 - 旗津 - 西子灣 - 英國領事館 - 蓮池潭、龍虎塔 - 瑞豐夜市或六合夜市
B 路線:高雄市區 - 佛光山 - 美濃民俗村 - 蓮池潭、龍虎塔 - 瑞豐夜市或六合夜市

Rueifang Night Market is closed on Mondays and Wednesdays; if it's a closure day, the tour will automatically end at Liuhe Night Market.
Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum is closed every Tuesday.

Depart Departure from Downtown Kaohsiung (Between 08:00 - 10:00)
Return Conclude the tour in Downtown Kaohsiung
Duration: ~8 hrs (the tour must end before 10:00pm)
Driver Languages: Chinese, English
5-Seater Car
Capacity: 1 - 4 travelers
3 pieces of 28" luggage
Travel Insurance: 2M Liability, 200K Medical
Driver tips
Wuling Farm & Fushoushan Farm Tickets
Personal consumption
Baby strollers
Any other expenses not mentioned.
-Once the order is confirmed, there will be no refunds or changes allowed. The order will be confirmed within 3 business days.
-The color and model of the car are not specified, and the actual dispatch of the car is based on the day.
-Please arrive at designated location 10 mins prior to departure, as tour will depart on time
-5-Seater Car: NT$250 for the first 30 minutes, additional charges of NT$500 per hour thereafter
-For children under 4 years old requiring a car seat, please note the child's age and weight at the time of booking, and pay NT$100 per seat on-site.
-This tour does not include a NT$100 service fee, which will be collected on the day of the tour.
-Please get on the bus at the designated place on time. The driver has the right to refuse to pick up passengers if it is overtime.
-The travel time for this trip is 8 hours. If you are overtime, you will have to pay an overtime fee on the spot. Please be informed.
-The driver for this itinerary is not a tour guide and will not provide on-site guided tours of the attractions.
-Due to limited charter time, it is not possible to arrange a return visit to certain locations within the given timeframe.
-If the number of participants on the day of departure is different from the originally booked number, the driver has the right to refuse transportation, and no refund can be requested.
-Please be aware that the following behaviors are prohibited in the vehicle: eating, smoking, applying sunscreen, taking off shoes, kicking the driver's seat back, spitting out of the window, littering. If you feel unwell, please inform the driver and ask for a vomit bag. Any damage or dirt caused to the vehicle's interior will be charged for compensation, and payment should be made in cash on-site
- Customers must hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of return to Hong Kong and have the necessary entry visas. The company will not be responsible for any issues arising from the customer's personal documents.
-Package Code : D2938 高雄郊區包車

早期為因應東西橫貫公路宜蘭支線開闢,蔣故總統經國先生,跋山涉水實地踏察 拓荒,成立「臺灣榮民農墾服務所隸轄之武陵墾區」,而後改建「武陵榮民農場」,原屬為國軍退除 役官兵農墾處的武陵墾區,於58年後更名「武陵農場」。歷經轉型配合政府推動發展觀光產業, 轉由退輔會與林務局經營,如今已是自然保育與農業休閒兼顧的地方,至今已蛻變成為環境優美的 生態旅遊公園。園區規劃相當完善,主要分為四谷,北谷雪山及高山植物生態園區、中谷賞蝶賞鳥 步道;南谷七家灣遺址原住民文化等、賓谷花卉區等。
1 月 – 2 月:梅花、臘梅
2 月:櫻花
3 月:桃花
3 月中旬 – 4 月:梨花、李花、蘋果花
5 月:紫藤、玫瑰
6 月 – 8月:水蜜桃
9 月 – 10 月:水梨、蘋果、山茶花、鼠尾草、波斯菊、金針花等
11 月中旬 – 12月:賞楓葉、銀杏
12 月下旬 – 1月:楓葉、梅花、臘梅

福壽山農場位處臺中梨山南側五公里的山坡上,海拔高 2,10 0至 2,614 公尺之間,合歡山與雪山等群峰環抱,佔地約八百多公頃,原為安置榮民栽種溫帶水果、高冷蔬菜與高山茶葉的純農業經營型態,因社會變遷,傳統農業日趨沒落,配合國家政策發展觀光休閒結合農業生產多角化經營,獨特的高山氣候環境,孕育出豐富的人文自然景觀,另有「臺灣小瑞士」美名。氣候四季變化分明的福壽山農場,十二月份各有不同的美麗風情,春天賞櫻花及梅花、夏季避暑、秋天賞楓與採蘋果、冬天賞雪,相當引人入勝,宛如來到世外桃源。