Staycation HongKong

staycation HongKong 。香港各間 staycation優惠2025 紛紛推出震撼住宿優惠,住宿送自助餐、延長check-in 與check-out 時間、水上設施任玩、送酒店消費額… staycation優惠 , staycation香港 , 酒店staycation , 香港Staycation

Staycation HongKong 大家都好想去旅行,奈何未有得飛,要止下旅行癮,不如去個 香港Staycation 先! staycation邊間好 ,以下Staycation你都不能錯過!最近大家都無辦法外遊,想必一定都很想念旅行的感覺了吧!近日不少 香港酒店 大推住宿+餐飲優惠,當中不乏國際酒店品牌和5星級酒店!可以以超值的價格入住5星酒店,還有不少專享服務和優惠,順道回味一下外遊的感覺,真是令人十分心動呢,看看有甚麼高CP值的 住宿連餐飲 五星 staycation 優惠 吧!年度新字” 酒店staycation staycation意思”呢其實係”Stay” + “Vacation”2個字加埋,即係Stay喺香港嘅Vacation嘅意思,從前呢2隻字唔係朋友嚟,有佢冇我,但自從武漢肺炎之後,呢2隻字就friend咗喇,有人譯做「留港度假」,又有人譯做「宅度假」吖~

住宿連餐飲 staycation 優惠 即係book返staycation家庭,過返晚,扮/當係去咗個短旅行咁啦~staycation中文,除非你特別揀resort去嘆,否則一般都係下晝出去遊覽,夜晚先返去瞓或者雙人運動;家陣Staycation樓下都係大家香港人熟口熟面嘅區,唔係太多地點遊覽,所以大家都會用盡酒店嘅設施,最多人玩嘅就係泳池啦,聽請有啲酒店泳池多人到要排隊吖~冇辦法,世界變了樣,大家都要適應下,staycation自助晚餐都可以好開心,深度遊下當區,幫襯下小店,都可以好正!

1/3 of people say you don’t HAVE to stay home on a staycation. Just over 20% think it’s when you stay somewhere ELSE in your town, like a hotel or Airbnb. And another 10% said you can even leave town. And as long as you’re not THAT far from home, it still counts. What say you? – Mo & StyckMan I love being home, I am perfectly content to have time here to sit on the porch, order in and drink coffee. Listen to the birds and watch the deer early in the mornings without having to get ready for work!

Staycation Hong Kong has some of the most luxurious hotels in the world, and in the absence of tourists, they’ve been offering incredible staycation offers, promotions, and packages since 2020. And given the current situation, wouldn’t it be nice to take a break and pamper yourself? Or spend that consumption voucher on a staycation deal? We’ve cherry-picked and curated the best staycation deals and packages in Hong Kong. There are deals for different budgets, couples, and families listed below. We’ve hand-picked not only luxury staycation packages, budget-friendly hotels and glamping staycation deals, a cruise staycation and a few more unique staycation ideas!

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