
曼城 , Manchester City , 曼城球票 , 阿提哈德球場 , 曼城睇波 , 曼城自由行 , 曼城波飛 , Etihad Stadium

The club plays its home matches at the Etihad Stadium, which has a capacity of over 55,000 spectators. Man City is known for its attractive and attacking style of football, which has been developed under the leadership of several successful managers, including Pep Guardiola. The club is owned by the City Football Group, a global football organization that also owns several other football clubs around the world. Man City has a passionate fan base and is widely regarded as one of the top football clubs in the world today.

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✔ 官方特選門票
✔ 實名制售票觀眾入場時要展示身份證或護照的全名作核實
✔ 門票不得轉讓、更換場次、改名
✔ 官方門票,球迷可以安心進場兼且享受球會提供的觀賽體驗

曼城 , Manchester City , 曼城球票 , 阿提哈德球場 , 曼城睇波 , 曼城自由行 , 曼城波飛 , Etihad Stadium


• 票券不可取消、不可退款,且不可轉讓。
• 我們保證您的票券有效且真實,否則將全額退款。
• 請在售票處出示您的電子票以進場。
• 您可能需要在售票處出示身份證明文件作為驗證。
• 透過使用購票網站並進行交易,即代表您與 Travel MaMa 簽訂合約。
• 每個供應商管理自己的票券庫存,並具有不同的條款和條件。
• 有關退款和取消的條款和條件可在活動列表頁面上找到。
• 這些銷售條款和條件可能會根據供應商的自行決定而變更。

Weekly Top Popular events

Man City vs Brentford (From HK$1,450 / Guest)

14 September 2024

Etihad Stadium, Manchester, United Kingdom

93:20 Lounge

Premium padded seats, located along the long side/curve in the middle tier.
Block 209/210/220/221 or similar (corner position in the middle tier).
Access to the stadium lounge 2.5 hours before the match and 1 hour after.
Match program included.
E-ticket provided in advance.
Home Area: No entry for away team supporters; wearing away team jerseys or using away team colors is prohibited.
Type: E-ticket
Rules: Only available for non-UK residents

Man City vs Arsenal (From HK$4,950 / Guest)

21 September 2024

Etihad Stadium, Manchester, United Kingdom

93:20 Lounge

Premium padded seats, located along the long side/curve in the middle tier.
Block 209/210/220/221 or similar (corner position in the middle tier).
Access to the stadium lounge 2.5 hours before the match and 1 hour after.
Match program included.
E-ticket provided in advance.
Home Area: No entry for away team supporters; wearing away team jerseys or using away team colors is prohibited.
Type: E-ticket
Rules: Only available for non-UK residents

Man City vs Fulham (From HK$1,750 / Guest)

5 October 2024

Etihad Stadium, Manchester, United Kingdom

93:20 Lounge

Premium padded seats, located along the long side/curve in the middle tier.
Block 209/210/220/221 or similar (corner position in the middle tier).
Access to the stadium lounge 2.5 hours before the match and 1 hour after.
Match program included.
E-ticket provided in advance.
Home Area: No entry for away team supporters; wearing away team jerseys or using away team colors is prohibited.
Type: E-ticket
Rules: Only available for non-UK residents

Man City vs Southampton (From HK$1,450 / Guest)

26 October 2024

Etihad Stadium, Manchester, United Kingdom

93:20 Lounge

Premium padded seats, located along the long side/curve in the middle tier.
Block 209/210/220/221 or similar (corner position in the middle tier).
Access to the stadium lounge 2.5 hours before the match and 1 hour after.
Match program included.
E-ticket provided in advance.
Home Area: No entry for away team supporters; wearing away team jerseys or using away team colors is prohibited.
Type: E-ticket
Rules: Only available for non-UK residents

Last Updated (Aug 8, 2024)

1. 奧脫福購物中心 Trafford Centre
Trafford Centre位於曼聯奧脫福球場附近,是英格蘭北部一個大型的購物娛樂集中地。購物中心擁有280家商店、35家餐廳、一家電影院。Traffod Centre 設有英國著名的奢侈品商場Selfridges & Co、平價商場Primark、時尚品牌Topshop、All Saints、French Connection等,可謂應有盡有。喜歡 Shopping 購物的朋友一定要來掃貨!

營業時間:星期一至五 10am – 10pm,星期六 10am-9pm,星期日 12am(中午)-6pm

2. Manchester Arndale
曼徹斯特另一個著名的購物中心是Manchester Arndale。Arndale 位於曼徹斯特市中心,是英國最大的封閉式購物中心。裏面有各種商店例如Apple Store、NEXT、Footlocker,購物狂一定會樂而忘返。

營業時間:星期一至五 9am – 8pm,星期六 9am-7pm,星期日 11:30 am-5:30pm

3. Federal Cafe & Bar
在Manchester Arndale購物中心附近的Federal Cafe & Bar可以說是曼徹斯特排名第一的早餐餐廳,提供各式西式早餐。Federal Cafe & Bar 的木造裝飾設計也很具風格,很有文藝小清新的感覺。 餐廳的菜單十分簡單,以英式早餐、甜品為主,但各式餐點和飲品都很優質,不同於普通的英式早餐,幾乎每一款早餐菜式都有用水果醬做調味,口感吃起來份外清新。

營業時間:星期一至五 7:30am-6pm,星期六 8am-6pm,星期日 8am-5pm

4. 曼徹斯特市政廳 Manchester City Council
在Federal Cafe & Bar 用餐後,可以步行前往曼徹斯特市政廳,參觀曼徹斯特的歷史建築。曼徹斯特市政廳屬於維多利亞時期的歌德式設計,遊客可以參加市政廳導賞團,了解曼市的歷史。之後再到市政廳附近的英國一級古跡「約翰·萊蘭茲圖書館(The John Rylands Library)」參觀,只要提早預約遊客就可以入內閱讀珍貴的古書籍。晚上,您還可以在Opera House Manchester欣賞音樂劇和其他表演,欣賞代表英國文化的藝術表演。

5. 曼徹斯特唐人街 Manchester Chinatown

6. Richmond Tea Rooms
在曼徹斯特唐人街附近有一家以「愛麗絲夢遊仙境」為主題的餐廳——Richmond Tea Rooms

營業時間:星期一至五 11am-9pm,星期六、日 10am-10pm
