About Us

旅行社 , 香港旅行社 , travelmama , 蜜蜜遊 , 關於我們

Mama Travel MaMa 蜜蜜遊 只係一間香港人開嘅旅行社,呢度唔大,正宗係小貓七八隻,因此我地只可以好專心咁做好一兩件小事,希望每一位幫襯過嘅客人都感受到我地嘅努力。我地當然知道你係可以有其他選擇嘅,因此多謝你相信並支持小店!創立MaMa,一直是抱著理想與初衷去面對工作時間超長,每日不斷地改善流程和系統,就只因為有股超乎現實的執著伴隨著喜悅,推動我們毫不疲累地向前走。我知道,MaMa不會成為大品牌,反正沒有這種條件,但願我們能一直向著比較有性格的小品牌目標前進。

Travel Mama

關於我們 , 蜜蜜遊 , travel agency , travel agent , 香港旅行社 , 自由行套票 , Travelmama , Unit 2101-V02, 21/F Gala Place, 56 Dundas Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

About Us , 旅行社 , 香港旅行社 , Travelmama , 蜜蜜遊 , 關於我們
Who We Are?

創辦於2015年的 Travel MaMa 蜜蜜遊,我地係一間非常佛系嘅本地OTA (Online Travel Agency),我哋唔會努力推銷客人,更注重產品質量,而唔係追求低價。因為我哋相信緣份到嘅時候,你自然會選擇我哋嘅服務 (僅限網上服務,不設現場接待)。佛系唔代表懶散,而係以平和同自然嘅方式去應對市場競爭。對我哋嚟講,最重要嘅係雙方都開心滿意——你享受到理想嘅旅程,而我哋亦從中得到工作嘅快樂。當中我地最重要嘅合作夥伴包括有 TripAdvisor©, HIS, Miki Travel, DDMC, CityLine。

Founded in 2015, Travel MaMa is a relaxed local OTA. We don’t push sales, trusting you’ll choose us when the time is right(Online services only, no in-person visits). We focus on quality, not cheap deals. Our laid-back approach means we handle competition with calm and authenticity. Our aim is mutual satisfaction—you get your perfect trip, and we enjoy our work. Key partners include TripAdvisor©, HIS, Miki Travel, DDMC, and CityLine.

What We Do?

利申,Travel MaMa 蜜蜜遊 只係一間香港人開嘅旅行社,呢度唔大,正宗係小貓幾隻,因此我地只可以好專心咁做好一兩件小事,希望每一位幫襯過嘅客人都感受到我地嘅努力。我地當然知道你係可以有其他選擇嘅,因此多謝你相信並支持小店!

We started our business from scratch with our own hands. We don’t usually dream but when we dream, we dream BIG with the belief to strive and excel. Providing the best service in the industry ever? We dare not say that. However, we give 100% devotion to every customer and deliver our best service that we can offer. And yes, that is where our pride lies.

How Travel MaMa Work?

Creating Travel MaMa has always been driven by our ideals and original intentions, despite long working hours and continuous process and system improvements, all because of an unrealistic persistence accompanied by joy, which has kept us tirelessly pushing forward. I know that Travel MaMa may not become a big brand, as we don't have the necessary conditions, but I hope that we can continue to strive towards the goal of being a more distinctive small brand. Even though we spend almost every day immersing ourselves in a single product for more than ten hours, we no longer have the luxury of a work-life balance. But I have always believed that as long as we find our own field, we can still enjoy the world where life and work cannot be separated.

Mm Goi and Dor Tse🤣

Thank you for visiting our page! The fact that you’ve found us shows how thoughtful and determined you are. Let me share a little about us—this is a fast-paced job that keeps us on our toes, but it’s also full of challenges and excitement. Our team may be small, but we are mighty. Around 70% of our work focuses on general administration, and while it’s busy, we always find ways to infuse fun into our daily lives. We’re often struck by bursts of inspiration, leading us to organize imaginative and whimsical activities.

Even the most ordinary things can be transformed into vibrant and engaging stories through our creative vision. If you ever feel like the world isn’t quite what you expected, or if you’d just like to have a chat with us, feel free to reach out using the contact details below. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

UNIT 2101-V02 21/F GALA PLACE 56 DUNDAS STREET MONGKOK KOWLOON (Online services only, no in-person visits)
2527 8801