
珠海長隆企鵝酒店 , 長隆酒店 , 珠海長隆樂園 , 暑假珠海長隆 , 珠海橫琴灣酒店 , 珠海自由行 , 珠海酒店套票 , 長隆套票 , 長隆水上樂園 , 長隆2024 , 長隆自由行 , 長隆海洋王國 , 廣東省短線

Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel旗下的海洋主題度假酒店,宏偉城堡造型、無敵海景房、治愈系海豚、激情火烈鳥島、不出酒店就能玩的超大衝浪池與激流滑道,精彩程度堪稱“南國巴厘島”。全家人在酒店玩上一整天,直呼還要再住一晚!出片率超高的橫 琴 灣酒店,美得像在馬爾代夫的柔軟雪國沙灘,全景視角觀海的超大衝浪池,廣袤海景草坪,每一幀畫面都打上了長隆水上樂園酒店DNA。客房面積從45平方米起,二胎首選家庭房,浪漫簡約度假套房,極致性價比度假海景房。乾濕分離盥洗間,配備品牌浴缸及備品,珠海長隆酒店國際品牌床墊,優質睡眠扛把子,簡直是細節控和格調控的下榻首選。 長隆酒店 , 珠海長隆樂園 , 暑假珠海長隆 , 珠海橫琴灣酒店 , 珠海自由行 , 珠海酒店套票 , 長隆套票 , 長隆水上樂園 , 長隆2024 , 長隆自由行 , 長隆海洋王國 , 廣東省短線


Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel珠海長隆企鵝酒店 , 長隆酒店 , 珠海長隆樂園 , 暑假珠海長隆 , 珠海橫琴灣酒店 , 珠海自由行 , 珠海酒店套票 , 長隆套票 , 長隆水上樂園 , 長隆2024 , 長隆自由行 , 長隆海洋王國 , 廣東省短線珠海長隆企鵝酒店 , 長隆酒店 , 珠海長隆樂園 , 暑假珠海長隆 , 珠海橫琴灣酒店 , 珠海自由行 , 珠海酒店套票 , 長隆套票 , 長隆水上樂園 , 長隆2024 , 長隆自由行 , 長隆海洋王國 , 廣東省短線
Chimelong Ocean KingdomUnlimited Access Tickets

Package 珠海長隆企鵝酒店 • 住宿套票
Validity 2024年9月1日-11月30日 (30/9-6/10 ,11/11-16/11除外)**
Round-trip bus tickets from Hong Kong to Zhuhai Hengqin Bay Hotel via China Hong Kong City Bus^
2-Day Access to Flying Over China Park for Check-in Day and the Following Day (Up to 2 Adults and 2 Children per Room)
2-Day Access to Ocean Kingdom for Check-in Day and the Following Day (Up to 2 Adults and 2 Children per Room)
Admission Tickets to Zhuhai Chimelong Theater "The Dragon Show" (Standard Seats) on Check-in Day (Up to 2 Adults and 2 Children per Room)
10% hotel service charge is already included
Remarks After placing your order, we will confirm whether the order is valid before 7:00 p.m. on the next business day (Monday to Saturday).
Payment is required at the time of ordering, and our website currently uses Cityline as the credit card payment platform.
After payment is successfully processed, we will send a payment confirmation letter to your email address.
We will handle the order for you, and a dedicated representative will assist you with your order.
After the reservation is successful, we will contact you.
If the product is out of stock or for other reasons the order cannot be fulfilled,.we will issue a full refund within 24 hours.
– Displayed price for online purchase is calculated per room
– The above prices include a 10% service charge.
– This offer is only applicable for Hong Kong/Macau residents with a valid Home Return Permit/Identity Card for check-in.
– Children are defined as those who are below 1.5 meters in height or 12 years old and below.
– The previous offer of free admission for children under 3 years old is included within the quota of 2 children per room.
– 珠海口岸來回酒店交通客人需自理^
– The pictures are for reference only
– Limited availability, first come, first served.
– Once the package ticket is confirmed, no changes, cancellations, or refunds are allowed.
– In the event of any changes or cancellations to the plan, the hotel reserves the right to do so without prior notice.
– This offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers.
– The Ocean Kingdom ticket included in this package allows multiple entries within 2 consecutive days starting from the day of check-in.
– 首次入園前需在酒店票務中心或海洋王國驗票口錄入手指紋信息,具體以票務中心提示為準
– Hotel prices are subject to fluctuation based on room availability. The confirmed hotel reservation will serve as the final reference for the price.
– All guests must be either Hong Kong/Macau residents with a Home Return Permit or overseas guests with a foreign passport to check-in.

2024年9月1日-11月30日 (30/9-6/10 ,11/11-16/11除外)
2人套票 $1796+ $2076+
2大1小套票 $2096+ $2376+
2大2小套票 $2376+ $2596+
2024年9月1日-11月30日 (30/9-6/10 ,11/11-16/11除外)
2人套票 $2476+ $2736+
2大1小套票 $2776+ $2976+
2大2小套票 $2976+ $3276+


Updated date: June 2024

Depart Time
太子上海街 上海街695號A鋪環島中港通門市(三角公園)(維景酒店對面) 09:00 / 09:20 / 09:50
尖沙咀圆方 柯士甸道西1號圓方商場1樓火區過境巴士站(港鐵九龍站C1出口) 08:40 / 09:15 / 09:45
中港城 尖沙咀廣東道33號中港城1樓B6-8號舖 10:35
荃湾德海街 荃湾千色匯譚仔雲南米線對面 09:20 / 10:50
大圍 上車點:大圍(村南道(港鐵大圍站A出口出來右轉环岛中港通站头牌(路邊位置)) 門市:沙田大圍圍方2樓SASA莎莎對面) 09:00 / 10:30
沙田 上車點:沙田白鶴汀街帝都酒店停車場出口旁 門市:沙田正街希爾頓中心商場L3-66F舖或新城市廣場3期L2一田門外 08:55 / 10:25
Return Time
長隆企鵝(酒店團體大堂門外左轉穿梭巴士車站) 開車時間 : 13:50 / *15:50 / 16:30 / 17:50
長隆飛船酒店(酒店大堂巴士站) 開車時間 : 14:00 / *16:00 / 16:40 / 18:00
橫琴灣酒店(酒店穿梭巴士車站3號車位) 開車時間 : 14:05 / *16:05 / 16:45 / 18:05
* 班次不停 荃灣/大圍/沙田