Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis , 聖基茨和尼維斯 , 聖基茨自由行

聖基茨和尼維斯(Saint Kitts and Nevis) 可能有很多人不熟悉,甚至沒有聽過!現在介紹這個充滿熱情和美麗的國家,自從國境開放觀光後,對於有興趣的旅客來說,不妨找個機會前往一遊。站在聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦首都巴士底的高地上,位於東加勒比海小安地列斯背風群島,由聖克里斯多福島和尼維斯島組成,夜晚的燦爛夜景非常迷人。由於它的國土形狀像驚嘆號,並且位於諸多小島之間,因此它也被稱為「小安地列斯的珍珠」。聖基茨和尼維斯是一個非常小的國家,但擁有豐富多彩的文化和自然資源。在這裡,你可以欣賞到壯麗的海灘、清澈的海水、多樣化的植物和動物、優美的建築以及熱情友善的當地人民。此外,當地還有許多歷史悠久的遺跡和博物館,讓你可以更深入地了解這個美麗國家的歷史和文化。

Hiwaso Hachiman Shrine

日和佐八幡神社 , 日本德島縣 , 日本旅遊 , 日本紅海龜 , 神武天皇 , 日本鳥居

In this town located in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, there is a beach called Ohama Coast where red sea turtles come every year to lay their eggs. Adjacent to this beach is a historically significant shrine called "Hiwaso Hachiman Shrine"! ✨ It was founded by the Empress, the wife of Emperor Jimmu, and is a shrine full of tradition and mystery.

The most distinctive feature of Hiwaso Hachiman Shrine is its torii gate. Here, you'll find the longest torii gate pathway in Japan, stretching for 2 kilometers and composed of approximately 600 torii gates. Each torii gate is donated by believers and inscribed with their names and prayers. Walking along this pathway, you'll feel a sense of sacredness and solemnity, as if entering another world.


台北手信 , 台灣手信 , 台北美食 , 台北蛋糕 , 台北香帥蛋糕 , 台北鳳梨 , 西門町 , 台灣鳳梨酥 , 台灣太陽餅 , 台灣旅遊 , 台灣流心酥 , 台北伴手禮


香帥蛋糕 – 經典芋泥卷

合興壹玖肆柒 – 水蒸蛋糕


摩洛哥之旅 , 摩洛哥旅行 , 摩洛哥旅遊 , 摩洛哥旅遊指南 , Morocco travel guide , 摩洛哥美食 , 摩洛哥住宿 , 摩洛哥交通 , 摩洛哥體驗 , 摩洛哥景點 , Morocco tourism , Morocco travel , 摩洛哥小包團

Current Language :

Hello, fellow travelers! I'm so excited to share with you my amazing experience of visiting Morocco, the land of colors, culture and camels. I joined a 8-day tour that covered the most iconic places in this beautiful country, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Here's a summary of my itinerary and some highlights of each day.

I arrived in Casablanca, the largest city and economic capital of Morocco, and was greeted by my friendly tour guide. He took me and the other travelers on a city tour that included some impressive landmarks, such as the Mohamed 5th Square, the Royal Palace, the Notre Dame Lourde church, the Central Market, and the Hassan II Mosque, the second largest mosque in the world. The mosque was especially stunning, with its intricate architecture and its location by the Atlantic Ocean. We also visited the Habouss Quarter, a traditional area with shops and cafes. After a busy day of sightseeing, we drove to Rabat, the political capital of Morocco, where we had dinner and stayed overnight.


台南Starbucks , 台南建築設計 , 台南咖啡 , 台南古蹟 , 台南打卡 , 麻豆區

Tainan is a city full of history and culture, boasting a rich culinary tradition and distinctive architecture. Recently, a brand new Starbucks store opened in the Madou District of Tainan, featuring a design that reflects the local cultural characteristics both on the exterior and interior.

Starbucks has always been a gathering place for coffee enthusiasts, and their stores around the world often feature unique and distinct architectural designs. This new Starbucks store in Madou officially opened on July 5th and is located at No. 210 Zhongzheng Road, Madou District, Tainan. It is the first Starbucks branch in the area. To blend in with the local culture, the inspiration for the building's exterior design is based on the "pomelo" fruit, resembling the shape of a yurt with an oval structure. The design incorporates intersecting steel panels, creating a dining environment that resembles the full shape and texture of a pomelo fruit. The interior is bright, spacious, and comfortable, making it a perfect spot for photography and social media check-ins.


Kyoto horse racing , Horse racing in Japan , Kyoto racecourse , 京都賽馬 , 日本賽馬 , 京都競馬場 , 賽馬活動 , 前往京都觀賞賽馬 , 賽馬門票 , 日本賽馬文化 , 京都旅遊景點




烏茲別克旅遊 , 絲綢之路 , 塔什干 , 撒馬爾罕 , 布哈拉 , 烏茲別克美食 , 伊斯蘭建築 , 烏茲別克文化遺產 , 烏茲別克體驗 , 烏茲別克景點 , Uzbekistan travel , Silk Road , Uzbek cuisine , Islamic architecture

Current Language :

Have you ever traveled to Uzbekistan? If not, you're missing out on a fascinating place. Uzbekistan is a country in Central Asia with many historical and cultural treasures. It is also the only doubly landlocked country in the world. It was once an important stop on the Silk Road, ruled by the Mongol Empire, and was also part of the Soviet Union until it gained independence in 1991.

During my week-long trip last month, I visited the capital city of Tashkent first. Tashkent is a modern and diverse city with many different ethnic and religious groups.

I visited famous landmarks such as Amir Timur Square, Hazrat Imam Mosque, and the museum. Amir Timur Square is a place to honor the father of Uzbekistan, with a very tall bronze statue. Hazrat Imam Mosque is a gorgeous building with colorful mosaics and arches. The museum has many exhibitions that introduce Uzbekistan's history, art, and nature.

What's there to do

觀瀾湖有咩玩 , 觀瀾湖交通 , 觀瀾湖度假酒店 , 觀瀾湖 , 觀瀾湖套票2023 , Mission Hills Resorts , 觀瀾湖套票 , 深圳觀瀾湖 , 東莞觀瀾湖

Mission Hills Resorts, is located in Longhua New District, Shenzhen. It is a national 5A-grade tourist resort that combines luxurious accommodation, winter sports, an ocean world, and hands-on experiences. Whether you are vacationing with friends, a partner, or family, it is the ideal choice for you. As one of the most renowned attractions at Mission Hills, the resort offers spacious and comfortable rooms spanning 600 square feet, surrounded by an international-level golf course, allowing you to enjoy beautiful scenery and fresh air. In the evening, you can gaze at the stars and experience an extraordinary romantic atmosphere with your loved one or family members on the spacious terrace. The hotel also features themed suites for children, including ocean, candy, forest, and space themes, providing kids with independent play areas where they can have fun without disturbing their loved ones.


阪神競馬場 , 日本賽馬場 , 日本旅遊 , 兵庫縣 , 大阪盃 , 寶塚紀念 , 櫻花賞 , 日本賽馬文化


如果你是第一次來阪神競馬場,可以先買一本賽馬手冊,裡面有詳細的比賽資訊和解說,幫助你更好地理解比賽。另外,你還可以到場內的展覽館參觀,了解更多賽馬文化和歷史。當然,最讓人興奮的還是比賽本身。在這裡,你可以看到世界級的賽馬選手和馬匹,在場外與其他馬迷一起為自己支持的馬匹加油打氣。您可以在阪神競馬場的官方網站上預訂門票,也可以在場內的售票處購買門票。門票價格會因為比賽的類型和座位位置而有所不同。如果您想要享受更好的觀賞體驗,建議您預訂 VIP 座位。


世上的另一個我 , 旅行小故事 , TravelMaMa , 沉默 , 溝通 , 電子郵件 , WhatsApp , 現代科技

